The EUCC community will gather during worship and adult education time for a community conversation about our future as a congregation. Over the last two years (through the pandemic and beyond), our community has decreased in size to the point where filling the roles necessary to operate have become difficult. Coordinating Council has met and talked about the issues we are facing that include volunteerism, budget, and staffing for our committee positions. Additionally, coordinating council has been in conversation with the Southeastern Conference of the UCC about these issues.
We are inviting all EUCC members and friends to join us on December 3 at 9:15 am to talk about the issues we are facing and what the next steps are for our community. Please join us for this important conversation and time to look at our future. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Vaughn.
Join us at McCarter Presbyterian Church, 2 Pelham Road in Greenville.